6 Ways to Convert Leads into Clients That Last
August 2, 2022
By knowing how to build a client base as a financial advisor, you can foster trust and loyalty with your new clients. Consider these tips to create a client service model for financial advisors that includes the best ways to identify your prospects, perform initial outreach, onboard your new clients and, most importantly, retain them.
1. Connect with Your Community
When you think about how to generate financial advising leads, your top prospects are your family, friends and neighbors—and the people they know. Don’t pass up an opportunity to meet new people. Events like free summer concerts in your local park, high school plays and community yard sales are great ways to casually network and get your name and face in front of your potential clients.
2. Offer Valuable Outreach
Look for opportunities to answer questions or showcase your knowledge. You might host a seminar on paying for college at your local high school, teach a continuing education class on saving for retirement or set up a table and answer financial questions at your local farmers’ market.
3. Level Up Your LinkedIn Presence
LinkedIn is a powerful tool for financial advisor client engagement. With a social media presence, you can make real, personal connections with people who need your services. You can reach out to people you may have lost contact with, and you can join groups your potential clients and customers are in where you can answer questions that relate to financial services. You can ask your connections for introductions to other people. Plus, if you’re writing articles, you can share them on LinkedIn to position yourself as a knowledgeable resource.
4. Build a Solid Onboarding Process
Once you’ve connected with a new client, there are many steps involved in transitioning them to your business. Make sure you have a solid but flexible onboarding system so you can keep track of all the details. Factor in extra time—you don’t want to be missing deadlines with a brand-new client.
5. Put Professionalism and Transparency First
Understand your client’s expectations about service and communication so you can exceed them. Reach out when you say you will and return calls and emails promptly. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it, apologize and do your best to fix it. Ultimately, clients want to sense that you care and that you are working with them.
6. Give Your Clients Extra Value
Of course, you’re doing your best to help your clients meet their financial goals. In terms of financial advisor client retention, go one step further. Email them an article that expands on something you’ve discussed. Ask how their child is doing in college—after all, you helped them figure out how to afford it. Share the name of a movie or TV show you think they’ll enjoy. They’ll remember you when they watch it.
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